
The interdepartmental Council on Archaeological Studies supports faculty and their students from all three divisions: the Social Sciences (Anthropology), Humanities (Classics, History, History of Art, Near Eastern Languages and Civilizations, Egyptology, and Religious Studies), and Natural Sciences (Earth and Planetary Sciences).


Richard Burger's picture
Chair and Director of Graduate Studies, Archaeological Studies; Charles J. MacCurdy Professor of Anthropology; Curator, Anthropology Division, Peabody Museum
Office: 51 Hillhouse, Room 106
Oswaldo Chinchilla Mazariegos's picture
Assistant Professor of Anthropology; Curator-in-Charge, Anthropology Division, Peabody Museum
Office: 51 Hillhouse, Room 301
Ellery Frahm's picture
Research Scientist (Faculty) & Lecturer; Director, Yale Initiative for the Study of Ancient Pyrotechnology; Curatorial Affiliate, Anthropology Division, Peabody Museum
Office: 51 Hillhouse, Room 303
William Honeychurch's picture
Associate Professor of Anthropology; Faculty Affiliate, Anthropology Division, Peabody Museum
Office: 51 Hillhouse, Room 305
Eric Sargis's picture
Professor of Anthropology, Archaeological Studies, Ecology & Evolutionary Biology, and School of the Environment
Office: 10 Sachem, Room 208
Jessica Thompson's picture
Assistant Professor of Anthropology; Assistant Curator, Anthropology Division, Peabody Museum
Office: 10 Sachem
Anne Underhill's picture
Professor of Anthropology; Curator, Anthropology Division, Peabody Museum
Office: 51 Hillhouse, Room 208a
David Watts's picture
Alison Richard Professor of Anthropology
Office: 10 Sachem, Room 210
Diyendo Massilani's picture
Assistant Professor of Genetics; Faculty Affiliate, Anthropology
333 Cedar Street, Sterling Hall of Medicine I-234c


Milette Gaifman's picture
Andrew Downey Orrick Professor of Classics and History of Art
Loria 557, 190 York Street
Andrew Johnston's picture
Associate Professor of Classics and of History
203 Phelps Hall


Joseph Manning's picture
The William K. and Marilyn M. Simpson Professor of Classics and History and (by courtesy) in the School of the Environment; Senior Research Scholar, Yale Law School
311 Phelps Hall

History of Art

Edward Cooke's picture
Charles F. Montgomery Professor in the History of Art and Professor of American Studies
Loria Room 654, 190 York
Allison Caplan's picture
Assistant Professor of History of Art
Loria Room 558, 190 York
Alexander Ekserdjian's picture
Assistant Professor of Classics and History of Art
Loria Center 659, 190 York Street

Near Eastern Languages & Civilizations

John Darnell's picture
Professor of Near Eastern Languages and Civilizations; Curator Peabody Museum
615 Humanities Quadrangle
Eckart Frahm's picture
Professor of Near Eastern Languages and Civilizations
604 Humanities Quadrangle
Gregory Marouard's picture
Senior Research Scholar and Lecturer
611 Humanities Quadrangle
Nadine Moeller's picture
Professor of Egyptology
612 Humanities Quadrangle
Harvey Weiss's picture
Professor of Near Eastern Languages and Civilizations and of Forestry and Environmental Studies
617 Humanities Quadrangle

Religious Studies

Stephen Davis's picture
Professor of Religious Studies and of History
451 College St, New Haven, CT 06511-8906

Yale Peabody Museum

Andrew Koh's picture
Museum Scientist; Principal Investigator, Yale Ancient Pharmacology Program
Agnete Lassen's picture
Associate Curator of the Yale Babylonian Collection & Lecturer in Assyriology
120 High Street, SML

Emeritus Professors

Robert B. Gordon's picture
Emeritus Professor of Geophysics & Applied Mechanics
Frank Hole's picture
C.J. MacCurdy Professor Emeritus of Anthropology
Roderick McIntosh's picture
Clayton Stephenson Emeritus Professor of Anthropology
Office: 51 Hillhouse, Room 207
David Sensabaugh's picture
Ruth and Bruce Dayton Curator of Asian Art, Retired
H Catherine Skinner's picture
Senior Research Scientist, Retired, Earth & Planetary Sciences
Ronald Smith's picture
Emeritus Professor of Geology & Geophysics and of Forestry & Environmental Studies