Jerome Pollitt Sterling Professor Emeritus, Classical Archeology and the History of Art jerome.pollitt@yale.edu |
Robert B. Gordon Emeritus Professor of Geophysics & Applied Mechanics robert.gordon@yale.edu |
Frank Hole C.J. MacCurdy Professor Emeritus of Anthropology frank.hole@yale.edu |
Diana Kleiner Professor Emeritus in the History of Art and Classics diana.kleiner@yale.edu |
Roderick McIntosh Clayton Stephenson Emeritus Professor of Anthropology Office: 51 Hillhouse, Room 207 roderick.mcintosh@yale.edu |
David Sensabaugh Ruth and Bruce Dayton Curator of Asian Art, Retired david.sensabaugh@yale.edu |
H Catherine Skinner Senior Research Scientist, Retired, Earth & Planetary Sciences catherine.skinner@yale.edu |
Ronald Smith Emeritus Professor of Geology & Geophysics and of Forestry & Environmental Studies ronald.smith@yale.edu |